Università di Pisa

Last Update: January 7, 2020
University Professors in Experimental Biology (BIO/13)
Barbara Costa
AIBG Member
Giada Frenzilli
AIBG Member
Alessandra Salvetti
AIBG Member
Antonella Checchettini
Alessandra Falleni
Mara Suleiman
Patrizia Guidi
AIBG Member
Gaetana Gambino
AIBG Member
PO (Professore Ordinario / Full professor)
PA (Professore Associato / Associate Professor)
RTI (Ricercatore a Tempo Indeterminato / Assistant Professor)
RTD-A (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato – Junior / Fixed-term Junior Assistant Professor)
RTD-B (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato – Senior / Fixed-term Senior Assistant Professor)
Fellows in Experimental Biology (BIO/13)
Mara Paumbo
Laura Benvenuti
Gemma Marcelli
Chiara Bertini
Eduardo Scalzi
Elisa Angeloni
A (Assegnista di Ricerca / Post-Doctoral Fellow)
D (Dottorando / PhD Student)
B (Borsista / Fellow)
T (Tutor)
Research Group 1
Gambino Gaetana
Iacopetti Paola (Technician)
Ghezzani Claudio (Technician)
Salvetti Alessandra
Rossi Leonardo
Research Themes
- Cellular and genetic aspects regulating tissue regeneration, homeostasis and ageing in an in vivo model system.
Keywords: Planarian, RNAi, stem cells, stem cell niche, cell differentiation.
Keywords: Cerium oxide, X-ray, hyper/microgravity.
Research Group 2
Gambino Gaetana
Iacopetti Paola (Technician)
Ghezzani Claudio (Technician)
Rossi Leonardo
Salvetti Alessandra
Research Themes
- Development of a multitasking in vitro and vivo model system for studying cellular and genetic mechanisms of altered gravity and assaying antioxidant capacity of scavenger nanomaterials.
Keywords: nanoparticles, X-ray, hyper/microgravity, planarian.
Research Group 3
Cecchettini Antonella
Research Themes
- Molecular mechanisms in cell activation and phenotypic modulation. Proteomics analyses of secreted proteins and body fluids to gain new insighs in onset and development of cardiovascular and systemic pathologies and biomarker discovery.
Keywords: phenotype modulation. proteome, cell activation.
Research Group 4
Falleni Alessandra
Research Themes
- Studies on germinal cells differentiation in Platyhelminthes.
- Studies on neurodegeneration and neuroprotection mechanisms in vitro and in vivo.
Keywords: ultrastructure, citochemistry, oogenesis, spermatogenesis.
Keywords: ultrastructure , immunocitochemistry, proteasome, autophagy.
Research Group 5
Giada Frenzilli
Patrizia Guidi
Mara Palumbo
Paolo Lucchesi(Technician)
Research Themes
- Mechanisms of oxidative stress in mediating DNA integrity alteration in aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates exposed to different classes of xenobiotics.
- Mechanisms of up-take and cellular responses to emerging pollutants: nanomaterials, microplastic and bisphenol. Trojan horse effect with classic contaminants (heavy metals and organic compounds). Evaluation of cellular endpoints by in vivo and in vitro approaches.
Keywords: lysosomal alterations, DNA integrity, chromosomal mutations, oxidized purines, cellular uptake.
Research Group 6
Giada Frenzilli
Patrizia Guidi
Mara Palumbo
Paolo Lucchesi (Technician)
Research Themes
- Study of antiproliferative effects of natural estrogens in primary cultures from normal subjects and thyroid cancer patients.
- Mechanisms of up-take and cellular responses in mammalian cell lines
Keywords: cell proliferation, pro-apoptotic activity, primary cultures, cell lines, Caco-2, A549
Research Group 7
Giada Frenzilli
Patrizia Guidi
Mara Palumbo
Research Themes
Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying very-long-term COVID-19 respiratory outcomes in different phases of the pandemic
Keywords: COVID-19 infection, oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines, chromatine structure alteration, epigenetics.
Research Group 8
Barbara Costa
Elisa Angeloni
Research Themes
- Mechanisms underlying cell death/life balance, homeostasis, differentiation and cross-talks among cell populations of central nervous system in physiological and pathological human in vitro models.
- Biological bases of behavior, at cellular level, with particular reference to the role of polymorphisms using psychiatric disorders as a model.
Keywords: neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, psychiatric disorders, human glia and neuron models, mitochondria, de novo neurosteroidogenesis, 18 kDa Translocator Protein, small molecules, gene silencing and overexpression.
Keywords: COVID-19 infection, oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines, chromatine structure alteration, epigenetics.
web page administrator: Leonardo Rossi